Sports Parquet
The most used high end sports flooring option
An area elastic type sports flooring made by hardwood material. With different under supporting system, provide the best shock aborption and ball bouncing for the athletes better than all other surfaces. Features like, shock aborbing, safety and multisport use.

Sprung Pro

An economical yet reliable system with outstanding loading capacity. Designed for multipurpose halls, including ball games, badminton,etc.
Sprung Elite

Sprung Elite is a resilient floor system features a 12mm rated sheathing subfloor and optional 30-50mm battens. Provides best sport experience.
Sprung Mega

A professional wooden sports flooring system consist of hardwood top board, rated sheathing subfloor and two layers of batten system.
Dou Cushion

Dou Cushion is a floating system that provides super shock absorption and playability. The floor system consist of two layers of 12mm rated sheathing plywood subfloor and a natural rubber pads.
Arena Pro

Arena Pro is a portable sports system designed for quick assemble arena use. With great durability and high shock aborbency. The portability of the floor makes it quick to install and remove again after a game.
Talk to Us
We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have a project in mind, need more information, or just want to chat about how we can help to improve your facility, feel free to reach out.
Our team is ready to assist you every step of the way.